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Creativity block

..Whew, I have been fighting a horrible case of creativity block, brain block, the blahs, no mojo…whatever you want to call it. It was a horrible dry spell in creativity. I have just not been able to sit and work on anything for any length of time. Hopscotching around on different projects, starting one just to stop four rows in and cut all the yarns. Finally, finally, from a chance remark of a friend I finally hit on something worth my time.

Creativity block

It is flowing and it looks great! I feel that contentment as each row of color is crocheted on. One row right after another with no second guessing or worries. I am thrilled. The truth is that this is the pillow pattern that is going out to all my email subscribers. It has just taken this long to get the right creative flow going. I can’t wait to show it to you and send it to my subscribers. I can’t wait. It is so exciting! I should have it done by tomorrow if all goes according to plan.  The pattern should go out on Wednesday. It is another simple pattern and I know you will love it.

It has been a busy past couple of weeks helping my Mom and just doing the living things that seem to take so much time. Mothering has been strange this week as the birds in our nest seem to be all preparing to leave the nest about the same time. It has kept me up and awake. I think last night’s’  12+ hours of sleep helped immensely. I am feeling much more like myself.

What have you been working on and how are your days going?

Talk to you later,


P.S. If you sign up for the pattern it is a free gift to my subscribers. Otherwise I will have it for sale in the shops!